Refocusing – by Ingrid

Well I am back, life just took over for the last month!!!  It really is amazing how that happens, you’re going along and out of nowhere a whirlwind comes,  picks you up and puts you down somewhere a month later and you have no idea how it all happened!!  Where did that time go?  I find it is so easy to get distracted and sucked into the life of just making it in those  times and then it feels like it is impossible to get out and back to what really matters, what life is really about.  So here I am refocusing!

The timing of Easter and the scripture I was reading yesterday really helped with the refocusing.  I am reminded that no matter what I face I must press on faithfully, obediently.  There is no reason why I cannot make it through these times without being carried away by the sea of life.  It makes me think of Peter and how when his eyes were on Jesus and not the stormy water he was walking fine but as soon as he lost his focus and looked down his heart sank and then so did his body.  If  I want to make it through all of the craziness, business, curve balls , distractions and whatever else this life is going to dish out I must keep my eyes fixed on the One who gives me the power and authority to walk on top of it all with the right perspective and attitude!   We can do this… we can live a life walking on the stormy water accomplishing the things God has for us despite all that is around us, we simply must keep our eyes on the One who gave it all for us so we can!

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3 Responses to Refocusing – by Ingrid

  1. nancy rotozinski says:

    Thank you for reminding us that it is always all about HIM: our time, our servanthood, our devotions, our praise, our learning, our lives. And you said it so well when you used the image of always looking up instead of down. This focus will keep us afloat with the One who guides us, comforts us, protects us, blesses us and helps to carry our burdens.

  2. Sid Wood says:

    Good to see your postings again… I was beginning to think that perhaps the “experiment” was over. 😉

  3. Merry Pellowe says:

    This is beautiful, Ingrid. I needed to hear this 🙂 Thanks!

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